
Video: How to monitor your blood pressure at home


The 美国心脏协会 recommends home monitoring for all people with 高血压 to help their health care professional know if 治疗 are working. Home monitoring can also be used to confirm the diagnosis of 高血压. However, home monitoring does not replace regular doctor visits. 不要停止测量血压 药物治疗 without checking with your health care professional regardless of your readings during home monitoring.

Monitoring at home is especially important for:

  • 任何被诊断患有 高血压.
  • People starting or changing 高血压 treatment to find if it’s working.
  • 需要密切监测的人. 这对患有 高血压的危险因素 and/or conditions related to 高血压. 


The AHA recommends an automatic, cuff-style, upper arm (biceps) monitor.

  • 不建议使用手腕和手指显示器. 它们给出的读数不太可靠.
  • 选择一个经过验证的监视器. If you are unsure, ask your health care professional or pharmacist for advice or find options at validatebp.org(链接在新窗口中打开).
  • When choosing a blood pressure monitor for a senior, 孕妇或儿童, 确保对他们进行了验证.
  • 确保袖口合身. Measure around your upper arm and choose a monitor that comes with the correct cuff size.

Once you’ve purchased your monitor, take it to your next appointment.

Have your health care professional check to see that you are using it correctly and getting the same results as the equipment in the office. 计划每年带你的监视器来一次, 或者按照公司的指示, 确保读数准确无误.


Discuss how to use your home blood pressure monitor with your health care professional. It’s important to have them make sure your home monitor is accurate and that you have the correct cuff size and fit. A cuff that is the incorrect size will cause an inaccurate blood pressure reading.


  • 提前计划. 不要吸烟, drink caffeinated beverages or exercise within 30 minutes before taking your blood pressure. 排空膀胱.
  • 不要把尺寸放在衣服上. Remove the clothing over the arm that will be used to measure blood pressure.
  • 你可以用任何一只手臂. Usually there is not a big difference between readings on them.
  • Be still. Allow at least five minutes of quiet rest before measurements. 不要说话或使用电话.
  • 坐正确. Sit with your back straight and supported (on a dining chair, rather than a sofa). 你的脚应该平放在地板上. 不要跷二郎腿. 把你的手臂支撑在一个平面上. The middle of the cuff should be placed on the upper arm at heart level. Check your monitor's instructions for an illustration or have your health care professional show you how.
  • 每天在同一线上电子游戏飞禽走兽测量. 每天在同一线上电子游戏飞禽走兽进行阅读. Talk with your health care professional about how often to take your blood pressure.
  • 多次读数并记录结果. Each time you measure, take two readings one minute apart. 使用a记录结果 可打印(PDF)跟踪器. If your monitor has built-in memory to store your readings, take it with you to your medical appointments. Some monitors may also let you upload your readings to a secure website. 


Download a PDF sheet that shows you how to measure your blood pressure properly. 也可在 Spanish and Chinese.


Learn what the numbers in your blood pressure reading mean.

血压类别 收缩压毫米汞柱(上数值) and/or 舒张mm Hg(较低数值)
NORMAL 小于120 and 少于80
ELEVATED 120 – 129 and 少于80
高血压(hypertension) 1期 130 – 139 or 80 – 89
高血压(hypertension) 2期 140或以上 or 90分或以上
高血压危象 (请立即咨询医生) 大于180 and/or 大于120

Note: Only a doctor or other medical professional can confirm a 高血压 diagnosis. 他们也可以评估 低血压值.



  • A single high reading is not an immediate cause for alarm. If you get a reading that is higher than normal, take your blood pressure a second time. 写下两次测量的结果. Check with your health care professional to see if there’s a health concern or whether there may be problems with your monitor.
  • If your blood pressure readings are suddenly higher than 180/120 mm Hg, 至少等待一分钟,然后再次测试. If your readings are still very high, contact your health care professional immediately. 你可以有 高血压危象.
  • Call 911 if your blood pressure is higher than 180/120 mm Hg and if you are having new signs or symptoms that may include:
    • 胸部疼痛
    • 呼吸急促(气促)
    • Back pain
    • Numbness
    • Weakness
    • 视力的改变
    • 说话困难
    • Confusion
    • Dizziness
    • Vomiting


One blood pressure measurement is like a snapshot. It tells what your blood pressure is at that moment. A record of readings taken over time provides a more complete picture of your blood pressure. 这可以帮助你 和医生一起工作 以确保你的 治疗 降低你的血压是有效的.