

心脏骤停幸存者迈克·巴顿. (图片由Mike Button提供)
心脏骤停幸存者迈克·巴顿. (图片由Mike Button提供)

One day last July, 迈克·巴顿在他的家庭办公室安顿下来, ready to start catching up on the backlog of things that had accumulated over his latest prolonged stretch away from work.

今年4月,他的母亲在长期患病后去世. Around the same time, he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and began taking medication to strengthen his heart. He'd recently gotten back from his mother's memorial service in Detroit. Then came a bout of COVID-19 and, while recovering, one of his dogs died right in front of him.

Back at the desk of his home in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, he felt a little tired. 其他一切似乎都很正常.

他的妻子斯蒂芬妮(Stephanie)正在从自己的COVID-19病例中康复. 她很健康,可以回到办公室了, but she stayed home a few more days at the request of a co-worker with a newborn.

That afternoon, Stephanie walked into Mike's office to ask him a question.


He then saw a blue static line, the kind seen on old televisions when they were being turned off.


"Mike! Mike!斯蒂芬妮喊着,摇晃着他.

他不能动,也没有呼吸. 他心脏骤停.

Stephanie called 911.

"Do you know CPR?调度员问道.

她受过几次训练. 但在恐慌中,她什么都不记得了.

"No," she said.

Stephanie turned on speakerphone and the dispatcher talked her through it.

首先,她得把迈克打倒在地. 她抓住他办公椅的一个扶手, 把它拉到一边,直到他摔倒在地.

接着,她被告知给她的丈夫 chest compressions until help arrived. 他们不到五分钟就到了.

急救人员把麦克连接到一个 自动体外除颤器, or AED. 这种便携式设备可以帮助停止跳动的心脏重新跳动. 在前两次电击之后, Mike received CPR from a mechanical CPR device designed to deliver continuous chest compressions. AED的第三次电击触发了持续的节律.

迈克在药物诱导下昏迷了两天, 温和的环境让他的大脑和身体得以康复. 斯蒂芬妮在他身边,一边用笔记本电脑工作,一边和他聊天. 

第三天她来的时候,他已经醒了. 一根呼吸管被拔掉了. 迈克看着她说:“我怎么了? Why am I here?"

这些连贯的想法对斯蒂芬妮来说是一个巨大的解脱. It indicated that he didn't have brain damage caused by however long he went without oxygen.

心脏骤停是心脏电系统的故障. 医生们一直无法查明迈克为什么会这样. However, they said it could be related to his recent diagnosis of congestive heart failure.

After the cardiac arrest, Mike underwent cardiac resynchronization therapy. A half-dollar-sized pacemaker was implanted in his chest and connected to his heart. 他的心律会紊乱吗, 设备可以纠正它——因此有了术语“重新同步”."

两周后,迈克回来上班了. It took about another month to recover from everything else he went through.

“疼痛只是提醒你,你还没死,”迈克说. “这很值得."

During his recovery, Mike felt overwhelmed with gratitude and awe that his life was spared.

“我会开始思考这件事,变得情绪化,”他说. "It's hard to imagine that maybe I wouldn't have been around to watch our grandson grow up."

迈克·巴顿(左)和他的孙子詹森. (图片由Mike Button提供)
迈克·巴顿(左)和他的孙子詹森. (图片由Mike Button提供)

Stephanie calls the cardiac arrest "definitely the worst day of my life and best day of my life."

“那显然不是他的时代,”她说. "It was a miracle that I was standing in front of him when it happened."


"Of course, 护理人员也是我的英雄, but without Stephanie's quick actions they wouldn't have had much to work with," he said.

In October, the couple was able to meet Mike's other lifesavers at an awards and appreciation ceremony held by the city of Palm Beach Gardens.

"They had paramedics, firefighters, nurses and doctors, and they all got awards," Stephanie said. “迈克和我能够当面感谢他们,真是太棒了."


A reporter talks to Mike Button (center) at an appreciation ceremony where Stephanie Button (right) was presented with the
A reporter talks to Mike Button (center) at an appreciation ceremony where Stephanie Button (right) was presented with the "Citizen Life Saving Award.(图片由棕榈滩花园市提供)

现在,她和迈克开始传播心肺复苏术, including taking refresher courses organized by Stephanie's women's group at their church.

"I tell everybody that CPR is the most important thing you can know," Mike said.

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.

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